Thursday 3 November 2011


boyfie baru untuk diperknal kan!
yg lame dah clash atas sbab sukasuka hah betul ke?
okok bbalik kpada crita yg asal skrg ni ak sudah taken maa! who? 
lalila lila fb acc! 

Name: Muhd Syamer
Age: 5teen-years-old
School: SMKDSR

yg lain pun kau na tahu ke? lemak lah ap pun ini gambar dy ak stlker kat fb!

buah hati pearang jantug <3

 ini untuk kau

ILY <3
IMY <3
INY <3
IHY <3

Friday 30 September 2011


lame story but i think i wanna share it with u guy.

In July i go to a trip. not really a trip but i go for a mission! the mission to win a game. what game?? FOOTBALL lorh. i go to GOTHENBURG,SWEDEN! owhh how i miss that place so much.
so i go there in 16JULY and reach in MALAYSIA in 25JULY i went there for 9 days. on the first day i reach there we have to clean our room so that we all can sleep there. btw we stay in a school and our room is a class room but never mind is better than nothing and not to forget the weather there were so so cold! i almost freezing out there. so the second day we had tournament with sweden club. owh my GOD they so big and tall and tough and fast, all the great full thing they have. the result we lose 13-0 how embarrassing. but it ok because this is our first time play with national team right? 

this is the first team!

after the games we all go for the opening ceremony. it be held in the stadium owh i cannot remember that place. i indescribable joy with it . there so many people there i am very excited! there was 96 country take part in this cups! a very lively event. and there the moment we waiting for has arrive that is the introduced the TROPHY! 

cup of GOTHIA CUPS !

and for the second team we play we play well but no luck in our side we lose again and again. this time 5-0. its ok we try our best. this time the team not bad lah quite tough and fast! gothenburg got many beautiful places such as the theme park AWESOME babe! they got so many thing. u know what i ride the roller coster it made with wood u know! i just cried all the way how scary i am. but it so AWESOME babe i hope i can ride it again! till the days end we all pack our bag and ready to go home how sad i am going to leave the place! we reach to the airport. Sweden airport look great with the woody floor and those classic tool. 

with the second team!

the faces that ride on the roller coster back there!
sweden airport WOAH!

banyak gambar
di facebook
Afirra  Razman!

Thursday 29 September 2011


tadi bnyak bnde sakit yang belaku! memang sakit semuanya :(


ia brmula pada pagi tadi. dan ia brmula dgan...
1.padang sekolah
tadi masa trainig bola kat sekolah coach sruh buat passing sambil lari. mulemule ok jek then tibatiba ARGHH! ak jatuh sebab kaki tepeletok. kalau jatuh kat rumput jek tape ni rumput+durisemalu. banyak pulak tu mmg sakit lah haih. habes bedarah kaki dgan tangan bukan setakat bdarah jek duri dy pun tcucuk skali! habis bgkak kaki tangan!!

ni blaku tgah hari tadi! si aiman BF ak tu mcm org gila bergaduh dgan ak. ad ke patut dy sepak terajang ak? haha tapi ak pukul dy lagi teruk woah bgkak kaki dy ak buat woah. berpeluhpeluh ak dgan dy tadi haha AP PUN TA BOLEH LAH ! 

3.kene rotan
petang tadi waktu sekolah katijah rotan ak sebab pkai bju sukan sakit woah dy rotan dah lah kuat. MERAH menyala tapak tgan ak lah. GILA LAH HAIH!

Tuesday 6 September 2011


mulemule skali sya ingin mgucap kan TerimaKasih pada kawan sya

Syazni Khairul



because dy bnyak mmbantu dalm pmbinaan blog ak yg ta sberape nie. 
kalau ta kerane dyorg ak takan dpat edit blog ak nie. 
ak mntak tujuk ajar dyorg nie sbab dyorg nie daa PRO dalm pembinaan blog
skarag nie dyorg tegah MENGupdate blog CLASS kteorg. 

Monday 5 September 2011


i had one little friend, a friend that so close to me..
i had one little friend, a friend where i can cry, laugh and story together..
i had one big brother, how can cool me down every time i sad..
i had one littel boy, one little boy that very special..
i had one little boy, how i can fight together..
i had one little boy, how always blame me wrong..
i had one little boy, who that always make me laugh..
i had one little boy, that always make me cry..

--->MY BFF <3
that little friend is my bff. what ever that i been trow i always story with her 
Nurul Nadhirah Zamri a.k.a Nadhirah Zem <3 we laugh together, we cry together,
we play together. every where that i go i will go with her.
she the true friend of mine (:

Nadhirah Zem
ini dy BFF sampai mati ak !!
abang selalu ada bile ak gaduh dgan DY. abang selalu satu kan
kteorg balik. abang selalu buat lawak bile ak sedih. abang selalu bagi semangat kat
ak bile ak rase ta boleh na hidup lagi. abang selalu ad bile ak perlu kan dy.
gembira knal dgan abang dlu. he the best brother i had much. 
TERIMA KASIH abang (: LYlaa PENYU <3 <3

Faridzul Haqimie
ABANG sayang aku . LY PENYU <3 <3

kau seorg yg GILA kau seorg yg SEWEL kau seorg yg HAPPY-GO-LUCKY 
kau seorg yg COMEL mcm AKU haha (: APA YANG PENTING kau seorg 
PENYAYANG even kte selalu btekak mcm anjig dgan kucing tapi kau selalu
pujuk aku kankan ? ak pun ta tau mcm mne ak boleh sayang kau GILEGILE smpai aku
naik GILE (: hope kau yg TEAKHIR yee !!

HUBBY ak laa . jgn tgoktgok na USHA la tue kan ? berani cube laa (: